Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cat hair

Wow! Another week has flown by! Well, I've decided to start some overdue major spring cleaning (or fall...take your pick). I'm not sure when it will be finished though. LOL! I have good intentions of doing a little bit each weekend...yesterday I started with our bedroom & decided to rearrange all the furniture around. It's amazing how much cat hair can hide under the bed. There were still white clumps of fur from our cat, Miles, who we had to put to sleep last Sept. No matter how much sweeping and cleaning is done during the week there is usually enough cat hairs to make into a new kitten each week. Well, I was able to get the bedroom done..Yay!...with some help from Tim. (that Queen-sized mattress can get quite heavy) When I was finished the cats had to come in and investigate everything to make sure it was still the same bedroom. It felt like we were in a different place when we went to bed last night. I now see the glare of the bathroom night-light through our bedroom door when I wake up in the middle of the night. (I will just have to shut the door a little bit farther)...

Garfield & Miles.


Carrie said...

It's big black balls of fur over here! That's the one thing that bugs Robert the most (which strengthens my argument to get a Devon Rex! ;))

It's good to "find" you! Who are you doing your Vet Tech program through? I'm using Penn Foster College and am scheduled for my first set of finals next Saturday!


Christal said...

Raymond Walters in Blue Ash is where I & enrolled in the vet tech program. It is a small UC branch. They actually have a fairly new building that is specifically for the vet tech program with kennels, class rooms, etc. I've actually been taking a break from school though for the past year...not sure when I will start back up. I would have to go to school full time & right now that is not an option financially. Oh, well...if it takes me 10 yrs to get the degree it's better late than never. LOL!

Good luck with finals! :o)